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Inside information about the cast lists for this year’s theater productions

Sydney Sarver

This year’s auditions for the theater program are complete! Director Olivia Bellido has cast the show Clue, which will be performed on the Jordan stage in November, as well as the musical Big Fish, coming to you this spring.

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“Auditions for the musical were scary but they made me excited for next semester!” said Ava, a sophomore in the theater program. The audition process for the musical was extensive, involving several rounds of callbacks.

Curtis, a junior in the program, added, “I was lowkey nervous [about the auditions], but they were really chill. It was fun to watch the other people go.” Curtis was cast in the musical as Amos Calloway, one of the leads. You may have seen him as Lefou in Beauty and the Beast last spring.

Anyone interested in seeing Clue should stay on the lookout for ticket information in the coming weeks and be ready to see this talented cast onstage November 21st-23rd!


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